Flourish: The Story of Anne Fontaine (A La Famille Lagniappe) Read online

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  All Romance: http://bit.ly/1yQV681

  Goodreads: http://bit.ly/1o5XDaU


  Flourish: The Story of Anne Fontaine

  Anne's entire life has been a lie. She must find the courage to discover who she is, including this terrifying, inexplicable ability she was born with.

  Amazon: http://amzn.to/TsMhCV

  BN: http://bit.ly/1aOUw14

  Kobo: http://bit.ly/1chBJIH

  Itunes: http://bit.ly/1ibzJYk

  Google Play: http://bit.ly/1xJm9Ui

  Google Books: http://bit.ly/1sSvzYx

  All Romance: http://bit.ly/1AfHtDm

  Goodreads: http://bit.ly/1daqVhF


  St. Charles at Dusk

  Set amidst the lush and vibrant backdrop of New Orleans, this is the story of Oz and Adrienne. Of forbidden love, and startling heartbreak.

  Amazon: http://amzn.to/1q8onHH

  BN: http://bit.ly/1oyEn6a

  Kobo: http://bit.ly/118HUjF

  Itunes: http://bit.ly/Oua5ng

  Google Play: http://bit.ly/11ruVuy

  Google Books: http://bit.ly/1qLe7nX

  All Romance: http://bit.ly/1p0uuSf

  Goodreads: http://bit.ly/1dXqBHS

  About The Author

  Sarah is the author of the Paranormal Southern Gothic series, The House of Crimson & Clover, born of her combined passion for New Orleans, and the mysterious complexity of human nature. Her work has been described as rich, emotive, and highly dimensional.

  An unabashed geek, Sarah enjoys studying obscure subjects like the Plantagenet and Ptolemaic dynasties, and settling debates on provocative Tolkien topics such as why the Great Eagles are not Gandalf's personal taxi service. Passionate about travel, Sarah has visited over twenty countries collecting sparks of inspiration (though New Orleans is where her heart rests). She's a self-professed expert at crafting original songs to sing to her very patient pets, and a seasoned professional at finding ways to humiliate herself (bonus points if it happens in public). When at home in Oregon, her husband and best friend, James, is very kind about indulging her love of fast German cars and expensive lattes.

  Connect with Sarah:

  Official Website: http://www.sarahmcradit.com

  Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/houseofcrimsonandclover

  Tsu: Tsu.co/sarahmcradit

  Google +: google.com/+SarahMCradit

  Twitter: @thewritersarah


  First and foremost, I want to thank my readers. Your desire to see the Fontaines’ story concluded in a more satisfying way is what prompted this story to begin with. I hope this does the task proper justice.

  My editor, Tara Shaner of Shaner Media Creations. No, editor doesn’t even begin to define it. Friend, confidante, brainstormer, encourager, rock. Your contributions to my writing- both in making my voice stronger, and in helping me better define my world- is beyond value. Your contributions to my life are equally great. I love you with all my heart.

  Amanda Richardson, my dear friend and fellow writer. Thank you for being there for me, and, always, loving my characters as much as I do.

  My House of Crimson and Clover Street Team. You guys are seriously the best. It brings a tear to my eye everytime you eagerly share something for me, or promote me, or just support me in general. I’m happy to have you on the team, but more than that, I am happy to know each of you. Thank you for making this writing experience that much richer.

  My fellow writers, and friends, from Dauntless Indies. I love you guys, and love what we are able to accomplish, as a team.

  Thank you to Becket, my friend and now fellow indie author, for your encouragement and assistance in creating my first cover. It was a daunting experience, but I felt that much more confident putting it out there knowing you thought it worthy.

  I want to give a special thanks to the tremendous support from my followers and friends on Facebook, Twitter, and WordPress. I wish I had room to name each of you individually. You added an unexpected layer of encouragement to this journey, and I am honored to know each of you.

  A huge thank you is in order, to all of my friends and family who have supported and encouraged me. Also to everyone who asked about my books along the way, and took a genuine interest in my projects. This means more than you’ll ever know.

  Thank you to everyone who read St. Charles at Dusk and The Storm and the Darkness. To the fans who have reached out and given me feedback.

  And, most of all, James. I couldn’t do any of this without you by my side.